HOA Meeting 2/12/14 at 7 PM
Members in attendance: Theresa, Brian, Alberta, Julie, Pete, Michael and Shannon.
Meeting minutes from 1/22/14 were approved unanimously.
No new requests received. Michael gave a brochure to Julie of a fence he may get to replace his.
Shannon ordered Mutt Mitts (approved in the last meeting) and will put them in the bins we already in the common areas. It was voted and approved to buy 3 signs to put in the common areas to remind people to pick up their dog poop. 3 signs were previously agreed upon by the HOA and Rick will purchase them.
Brian will check out different options for the monument lighting at the south entrance to the neighborhood. It appears the part that holds the light bulbs is old and does not keep the light bulbs in place so they do not work anymore.
Block Watch
We discussed the Block Watch Program and that we need to have an annual meeting with Cyndie Parks to stay in an active status. We will put this info up on the website and try to have flier at the annual picnic so members in the neighborhood are aware of the program.
We discussed the playground. There were about 6 people from the neighborhood that are not in the HOA attend. We discussed the playground and grant application process. We were not able to get both quotes in time for the meeting today to review.
We will meet on 3/1/14 at 2 PM at the site of where the playground will be to go over both options and vote on it. Brian and Ian both secured quotes. If the weather is bad we will go to Shannons house to continue the meeting. We will need to get a list of all volunteers and the hours they will be volunteering with the playground for the grant. We will put up this info on the website so people who are interested can sign up and have the option of attending the meeting on 3/1/14. The grant app is due 3/7/14 and if approved the city of Renton will match labor hours and money raised for the project. The purpose of the next meeting is to vote on proceeding with the playground or not based on final quotes.
Pete handed out the estimated budget for 2014 and February’s treasurer report. He will also be mailing out the dues soon. He will include in the dues letter an option to give us your email address to receive future dues via email and will include the website for the HOA.
Next Meeting: 3/1/14 at 2 PM in the common area/park