Maple Ridge Estates

Welcome to Maple Ridge Estates, a lovely neighborhood of 157 homes conveniently located in the Fairwood area of Renton, WA.
This website contains information for homeowners and prospective homeowners. You will find an interactive blog and forum, neighborhood news, events, and a neighborhood watch program. We have included all necessary forms and documents for your reference.
The Home Owner's Association (HOA) at Maple Ridge Estates are neighborhood residents who volunteer their time and resources to help clarify guidelines and bylaws and answer general questions. Our mission is to create a safe, cohesive community for our family and yours. If you are interested in learning more about becoming a member, please reach out to us here!
In an effort to keep our community safe, protected, and aware, Maple Ridge Estates has collaborated with our neighbors in View Pointe to create a Neighborhood Watch Program. To learn more about this, click on the Neighborhood Watch button below.
Find us on Facebook and Instagram! Send us a request to join and a moderator will review and approve.